Me, posting a lovely commission from artist Max Kay I had done as a tribute to Grant Morrison’s Superman work, and also incidentally posting another thing about their Superman: Gosh, I hope it's true Grant looks at Twitter!

Monkey's Paw: *Curls a finger, then with the remaining fingers pokes me in the eyes like Moe Howard*

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Well, Batman is •obviously• an Avatar of Van Helsing : that’s just a GIVEN —

At one point, he notes that Dracula has The Mind of a Child. Hmm.

There are Two Species of HyperAdapter : The Vampire and The Cyborg — The Crucial Detail is CONSENT. Consent creates A Game, NOT A Crime.

The Cyborg is a Person, with Technology (of ANY kind, not just machinery), grafted ONTO his or her Being;

A Vampire is an EX-Person who KILLS Other People, and TAKES Their Stuff — reiki to the rescue!

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!House-keeping! !House-keeping!

Alfred/Grady : I Hate to Differ from You, Sir —

But YOU are The CareTaker. You’ve •ALWAYS• Been The CareTaker. And I Should Know, Sir — I’ve ALWAYS Been Here.

Slim Shady : How in The F**K’re You Gonna Tell This Man NOT to Be Violent..??

Dr. Dre (not •actually• a Doctor) : Alright, Shady — Maybe He’s Right, Grady. But Think About The Baby, Before You Get All Crazy….

Xannaduum : It’s The House That Jack Built ;-j

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My son had an idea for a Superman story when he was about 4 years old, which was a few years ago: Lex Luthor turns the moon into Kryptonite. I googled it immediately and apparently had never been done before.

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Excited for all that’s to come!

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