It's great to get such detailed insight into the creative process right alongside the actual story, rather than after the fact the way it usually happens.

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I love all the ‘cut up’ Burroughs/House of Leaves stuff. Here’s hoping these directors commentaries continue throughout this project

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So Great you are doing this & Thanks for a Lifetime of Amazing Work! BEST, KV

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These posts are all really fantastic to read, I especially love the peek at your sketched ideas!

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Tracey Venable, True Crime Author :

What do YOU think?

Norman Bates, The Last Boy :


Tracey Venable, True Crime Author :

What we were just saying.

You were incarcerated for 20 years.

Norman Bates, The Last Boy : 22.

Tracey Venable, True Crime Author :

Right. For 22 years, you were locked away.

The State Says You're SANE.

You PAID your debt.

Then Lila Loomis starts to persecute you.

Norman Bates, The Last Boy :

…Because of what happened to Her Sister.

Tracey Venable, True Crime Author :

Yes. Marion Crane. Right?

Norman Bates, The Last Boy :


Tracey Venable, True Crime Author :

But that was 20 years ago.

A long time to harbor revenge.

Aren't you bitter about what Lila Loomis tried to do to you?

Norman Bates, SuperGod :

•I understand.•

My Cure couldn't cure The Hurt I caused.

My return to sanity didn't return The Dead.

There's •no way• to make up that loss.

The Past is never •really• past.

It stays with ME all the time.

No matter how hard I try,

I can't escape. It's •always• there.

Throbbing inside you.

Coloring your perceptions of the world,

and sometimes controlling them.

Tracey Venable, True Crime Author :

That's My Point, Norman.

You have A Conscience.

You LIVE with Guilt.

You punish •yourself• all ALL THE TIME

Why does the •rest•of Society have to?

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Honeychile :

Anyhow, what do YOU know about animals?

Did •you• ever see a mongoose dance,

or a scorpion with sunstroke

sting itself to death,

or a praying mantis eat her husband

after making love?

007 :

I hate to admit it, but I haven't.

Honeychile :

Well, •I• have.

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ALADDIN, The Widow’s Son, was The Son of a TAYLOR.

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From the Screenplay to Planet of The Apes :



Stars glitter like diamonds on the black velvet backdrop of space.

A speck of light appears in the lower left corner of the screen.

No spaceship can be seen, but only a glowworm, a solitary SPERMATAZOA

gliding through the womb of the universe. Over this we HEAR the voice of an astronaut. He is concluding a report.


“So ends my last report until we reach Alpha Centauri. We are now on automatic ... under full control of the flight computers. The navigation systems and ship’s instruments check for final and we are go for our long journey. You back there at Flight Control should continue to receive constant telemetry from us as our mission progresses. The medical telemetry alone from our suspended animation chambers should be interesting to say the least. I’m sure that Dr. Thomas has already started to pour over the data that’s been sent so far in regards to Stewart, Dodge and Landon.”

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Alpha Centauri — NOT Orion.

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And The Apes went into The Forbidden Zone,

Abiding not by The Law,

But by vain Curiosity for That Which Should Remain Unseen.

And The Prophecy of The Wise Ones was fulfilled,

When A Talking Man fell from The Skies,

To bring The End of Days.”

— Lawgiver, 68th. Scroll, Chapter I

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Wow! Thank you very much. "That same white star" ooooh

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