Absolutely love this! I assume that Rian Hughes is involved with all the design work here as he was with the logo. Beautiful stuff

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the alleged basement sounds like the place for me. would be exciting to visit the temple or the library until it's found. :)

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Initiation never ends

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Well…. Would You Like Me to Give You a JOKE…?

SCULLY : (smiling) It's an Alternate Reality --

'Fox' doesn't exist in coffee shops.

MULDER : No. It's A FALSE Reality, Scully.

Just like •everything• we've seen so far.


In the Himilayan tradition, A Holyman and the taelus overlapped tongues, BIT •in• to each other, and TOLD RIDDLES until one LAUGHED, •despite• the pain. If the talesus laughs first, it gets sent away for a hundred years, while if the man laughs FIRST, the taelus gets to EAT The Mans SOUL.

•NOW•, Do You Get It…?

“–you must help •yourself•, Son.

….you've got to thrust your fists against the posts and still insist you see the ghosts — once you get into cosmological shit like this, you got to throw AWAY the instruction manual."

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