Any time that something gets dismissed as "woke nonsense," I generally find it to be delightful. (Cf. The Marvels, a beautiful celebration of gonzo comic book nonsense with affable leads.)

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Great day in the morning! My Winter Salon wish was going to be for an elucidation of the GM view of the Crowlean Aeons and here it has spontaneously appeared!

(Don't mind me, just going to think out loud a bit!)

I too think of occult lore, and Crowley's specifically, as silly putty for me to play with however I wish. I've always liked the idea of the Aeon of Ma'at appearing on the horizon, it's much more fun to think of there being something new emerging than being stuck within a pre-established status quo.

It's fun to do the NEXT thing! I liked it when Dick Grayson became Batman. Instead of giving out Discordian Pope Cards I give out Discordian God Cards, etc, etc.

I was asked to pitch copy for that new Robert Anton Wilson book about Aleister Crowley, "Lion of Light," and I came up w/ a Stan Lee / Crowley pastiche hyping up the fast approaching Aeon of Ma'at, but the more rigorous Crowley scholars that edited the book quickly pointed out that the Aeon of Ma'at is a contentious subject amongst Thelemites. The orthodox view being that we've only just barely begun the Aeon of Horus.

Which of course is no fun at all, and simply won't do, so I started brainstorming about how one might formally mark the end of an aeon. Not really in reality, but like if the western occult tradition was a long dormant franchise in need of an all-new, all-different, giant sized relaunch.

I've got a big terrible retcon in mind, that surely no respectable occultist will go along with, but here it goes anyway :)))

Horus being a pretty compatible Christ analogue, a crowned and conquering child, for sure, no? I would put the beginning of the Aeon of Horus with the birth of Christ, and 2001 as the beginning of the end, marking the tumultuous transition towards Ma'at.

"You know, Quasimodo predicted all this..."

Mcluhan has that idea about how we tend to view the world through a rearview mirror:

"An environment becomes fully visible only when it has been superseded by a new environment; thus we are always one step behind in our view of the world.”

Maybe Crowley could see the Aeon of Horus not because we were entering it, but because we are finally leaving it?

I was part of a workshop RAW ran where he was hashing out ideas for his final unfinished masterpiece, "The Tale of the Tribe," a big part of which was Vico's cyclical model of history that Joyce used for "Finnegans Wake," which I think fits pretty well with the Thelemic Aeons:

Age of the Gods - Aeon of Osiris

Age of the Heroes - Aeon of Horus

Age of the People - Aeon of Ma'at

Recorso - Aeon of Isis

"Joyce could see no advantage in our remaining locked up in each cultural cycle as in a trance or dream. He discovered the means of living simultaneously in all cultural modes while quite conscious." – Marshall McLuhan

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I bought Marston’s Book and immersed myself in DISC Theory -- it finally provided an explanation for Conservative Politicians.

The British Empire.

And Captain Hook. (He’s an Old Etonian -- Mister Smee is his fag.)

“Male Organism Not Suited to Induce Other Males

It is frequently reported that homosexual relations are prevalent in that type of boys’ school called a “public school” in England, and a “private school” in the United States.

I have had occasion to observe one or two such relationships.

In the cases which have come to my attention an older, stronger boy has compelled a young and much weaker boy to give him erotic pleasure, as well as to perform many other services of an appetitive nature for the benefit of the older youth.

In such cases as these, the emotional response of inducement on the part of the older boy wins for him a greater total amount of pleasantness, both appetitive and erotic, than that which can be obtained from mere teasing and torturing of younger boys.

Moreover, the younger boy’s combined submission and inducement attain for him a certain amount of Freedom from being made the object of dominance response.

The older boy in these affairs usually protects and favours, in various ways, the boy who submits to him. Frequently he not only refrains from hazing or tormenting the younger boy, but also prevents other boys from doing so.

In this type of behaviour, therefore, we may see a certain amount of inducement expressed by a male subject free from control of dominance.

The Limitation to such relationships seems to be a physiological one.

Since neither the body nor the emotional development of the younger boy is suited to act as an effective stimulus to the passion of the stronger youth, the dominance of the younger boy yielding to dominance of the older boy becomes a matter of compliance by the weaker one rather than submission.

The older boy as environmental stimulus, in short, evokes motor stimuli stronger than the motor self of his companion, but, for the most part, antagonistic to it.

Thus, the stronger youth becomes an adequate stimulus to compliance but not to submission. The younger boy yields, not because he enjoys the relationship as such, but because it seems to be to his appetitive advantage.

“That’s a LOT of Baseball Cards….."

The compliance of the weaker boy, in turn, makes itself felt by the would-be inducer, and the inducement fails to produce sufficient pleasantness to be long continued.

From this sort of relationship, however, both boys frequently emerge with an unusually complete appetitive development, and with a transfer of inducement into adaptation to, and control by appetite.

In other words, the older boy has learned that he can use inducement to obtain services and pleasures which would otherwise be beyond his reach.

The younger boy, also, has been taught that by a compound response made up of inducement and submission expressed toward a stronger companion, he can obtain protection, gifts, and perhaps advancement in school activities of various sorts.”


In the cases I have studied, at least, both boys entering into such a relationship, tend thereafter to use the primary emotional response of inducement not for its own sake nor for the completion of a true love response, but rather as first aid in furthering the ends of active and passive appetite or both.

This use of inducement, as we shall have occasion later to observe, constitutes one of the most unfortunate of personality developments.

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It’s weird how much the Leftist hate it but then you consider how much of them have drank their own cool-aid it’s not surprising. I love Wonder Woman earth one it’s honestly my favorite out of the earth one books! My personal favorite take on the character, it’s just so fun to read.

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I have a fondness for the Kooky Kanigher WW issues I have. Marrying a Monster and fighting Paper Man. No one drew Diana better than H.G Peter though. I really enjoyed Earth 1.

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A Brief Summary of DISC Theory --

Prof. William Moulton Marston :

Dominance, Inducement,

Submission and Compliance.

ALL Human Relationships

break down into the interplay

between THESE categories of emotion.

A person is MOST happy

when they are submissive to

A Loving Authority.

It is essential that a person

submits to An Authority willingly,

that it is THEIR idea.

We get into Trouble when people feel FORCED

to do something they don't WANT to do,

and that is merely Compliance.

People who Comply instead of Submit

are unhappy and repressed,

and this can lead to resentment.

Taken to its extremes,

it can lead to Crime, War, Fascism.

Q. : How do you avoid Compliance?

It seems like that is built

into most situations.

Prof. William Moulton Marston :


Inducement is the act of

seducing somebody to YOUR way of Thinking,

Dominating them SO completely

that What You Want

is What THEY Want —

and they love •giving• it to you,

and THAT, Ladies,

is The Key to Life, to Love,

to Happiness, to Peace.

Women are BETTER at

Inducement than MEN.


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Looking for Batman vs.

Looking for Wonder Woman :



The Batman :

How Did You Find This Number?

I Gave it to…. Who?

You understand that I don’t officially *exist?*



That *won’t* happen.

I Promise.

Stay Where You Are.


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“The second film didn’t work for me at all.”

No? Not even the Frankie Goes to Hollywood/Cocteau/Kenneth Anger stuff...?

1984 : Welcome to The Pleasuredome --

Coffee, Fornication and Pop-Tarts :

In Xanadu did Kublai Khan

A pleasure dome, erect —

Well, Wonder Woman is hardly IN it -- it’s entirely about Diana’s relationship with/being BOUND-to Steve Trevor, AFTER he’s dead; that, and Learning to Fly, of course -- which turns out to be the same thing : Listen to The Dead.

Diana : [Waking up in bed next to Steve Trevor] Hi.

Steve Trevor’s Ghost : Come here.

Diana : Good morning. ( They embrace )

[Diana hums happily]

Steve Trevor’s Ghost : Been eating Pop-Tarts all morning,

and I’ve had about three pots of coffee. This place is AMAZING. [laughing]

Diana : This place?

Steve Trevor’s Ghost :

Yeah. You know, if I really think about it,

I don’t think I’ve ever BEEN in a room more amazing.

Diana : It’s true.

Steve Trevor’s Ghost : Yeah.

Diana : This room is the most amazing place

I’ve ever been in, in my entire life.

Steve Trevor’s Ghost : It’s the most amazing place, right?

Diana : So let’s stay. We shouldn’t go.

Steve Trevor’s Ghost : I really don’t want to.

Diana : So, let’s not.

Steve Trevor’s Ghost : Okay.

Diana : Let’s just stay here.

Steve Trevor’s Ghost : Let’s just stay here.

Diana : Forever.

Although… (scrunching her face up)

I should *probably* go and figure out

how A Stone brought My Boyfriend

back from The Dead in someone else’s body.

[Steve breathing heavily]

[Diana humming]

Steve Trevor’s Ghost : (Thinks about it--)

(Brightens to Full Alertness)

That’s a FAIR point — Let’s go!

[ They get up and Go to Work — ]


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I adore WWE1, and as a woman who's started enjoying comics later in life, I found it beautiful and refreshing. I believe comics are a powerful and magical medium, but there's a real lack of feminine perspective and nuance overall. I could feel Earth One's resistance to that norm and think changes like that can bring this special kind of storytelling to a far more diverse audience. ❤️

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I still have a fondness for that Emma Peel era WW, although some parts, like I-Ching, would not pass muster these days.

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