For in EACH Seed,

There is The PROMISE

of A FLOWER --

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1990s Rules — Toyetic Checklist :

* Can I integrate distinct personalities/nationalities for kids to connect with?

* Have I Explored The BEST accessories for My Toy?

* How could I SCALE this idea if I applied a DIFFERENT theme to it?

* Do I have enough elements of SURPRISE conflict?

X-Men and Green Lantern are DEEPLY Toyetic;

The Avengers and The Justice League are NOT —

no matter how many of them you kill off and replace

or how long Superman lets his hair grow…..

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Spock : In the face of Our Extinction, it is only logical that

I resign My Commission in Starfleet and work to rebuild Our Race --

Spock : -- and yet, You can be in Two Places at Once.


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