Honestly, this whole arrangement, particularly Man and Eve, brings to mind Brainiac 5 and Supergirl. Granted, it isn't hard to push my brain in that direction but Man here resembles Curt Swan's Querl Dox, the woman is blonde, their union both threatened a universe and their separation came at the conclusion of one. The serpent's pattern covering the woman recalls their Kingdom Come Daughter XTC's costume, a strategically placed cutout Superman symbol that snakes around her.

In Levitz's words:

"I could take the time bubble -- try to CHANGE HISTORY and save her -- if the resulting PARADOX didn't destroy us BOTH. As it has EVERYONE ELSE who tried and didn't return. Or, I suppose I COULD go back inside. COWARD."

What we have here is the ouroboros of the Major Arcana. The world at its apex, the fool remains.

I suppose it should seem increasingly plausible that Brainy eventually did make good on his promise. Johns has established that Levitz's Brainiac 5 is still around and Waid and PKJ have inferred that the present Supergirl is the one who died in Crisis and somehow got better, even now aging her up to match Levitz's Querl. It would add a certain poetry if Brainy were in fact somehow tugging at the universe's contortions to get us back to this point, quietly fiddling with the trajectory of Zero Hours and Flashpoints. Love wins! Or so I'd prefer to think.

That's what we want, right? For the fool to matter in the universe?

As an aside, I note you playing with DALL E this year and I have likewise experimented. I'm somewhat skeptical of people who create worlds with keystrokes that they don't guide or grasp but I've been trying more "hands on" AI work.

I don't sing although I played in a band as a teenager and I felt there was a gap in Superman songs. They're so often messianic or iconography driven to a point where I don't recognize Superman in them as a person.

With Kenny Loggins' Return to Pooh Corner and Don McLean's Vincent in mind and a bit of Death Cab, I wrote a song that reflects the Superman I know, as revealed by you and Waid and Loeb and more. I proceeded to put it to music with AI and a cloned version of my voice that's better at singing than me.

The debt to ALL STAR is immense. It's there in the chorus and the ending.


I also did a Michael Buble piece about someone who's part of a chain of digital assistants that's deeply inspired by your overall body of works:


I have a just-for-fun album about topics ranging from the stock market to the satanic panic. It's a bit rough. It's a bit complicated what I'm doing as I'm using about four AI services and writing lyrics myself (with my cloned voice) but I felt you'd appreciate it as the scribbling of someone who is very inspired by you. Walking you through how to do it goes a bit beyond a comment section. It's not anything commercial. I am worried about the future of artists at this stage of capitalism with AI. I just can't resist a tool of expression.

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Oh this is a wonderful one! Readin through your notes, we would've probaby left out the faces in the four corners simply because they draw away from the overall ethereal/abstract picture you're painting. probably wouldve subbed in supernovae or something in that vein. Nonetheless, a beautiful piece! :3

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