"sugar-mad monkeys" and "nightmare jizzums", let's go!

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The minute I saw this post, I signed up. I'm ready as anybody can be.

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Not as good as getting the end of Seaguy but I'll take it!

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“In XANNADHUM, The Wrath of Khan, a THUNDERDOME De-Creed —

This Man has a Wad SO big, you could use it beat WALES to DEATH..!!

…•not• in reference to the movie ‘Citizen Kane’, but rather the hit single by Dave, Dee, Dozy, Sneezy, Mick & Little Titch. And Tyler, Too!

Now, that’s the kind of cash that’ll open •anybody’s• legs — for though it profit A Man naught to sell His Soul for The •whole• WORLD….. But for WHALES, Kirk…? For WHALES…? You are Going to Attempt •Time•-Travel….? *

O, how Chaotic This Voyage Home Be!”

— The Late Sir Graham Wulfrick ‘Brian’ Chapman (Deceased) : Splendid, Chaps — All of Him…

[ * EVERYBODY Remember WHERE We PARKED, Invisibles! ]

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Exorcist II — The Heretic* : Demons, Nil

Psycho II : Richard II

Jaws 4 : Policemen 2

Brechin City vs. Hamilton Accademicals was a No-Score Draw.

[ * “Very like-unto The Giant Rat of Weng-Chiang —“

“— for which The World of 1977 was Not-Yet-Ready.”

“Quite, Watson.” ]

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There were Hard Times ahead for The People of Planet Pendulum —

Starting into the networks of Space and Time.

Their Eyes were open.

But still — They were Blind.

Pazuzu, Prince of The Evil Spirits of The Air,

Take Me to Anakin!

I Call upon You in The Name of Richard Burton!

“…..as I wandered through the Wyrrd and Lurid landscape of Another Planet……

— Suddenly There was a CHANGE!”

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“We stopped it.

We stopped it here.

Through The Grace of God...

•I• stopped it.

The Future conjured up by that...

that vile serpent...

Will not happen now.”

“The smaller parts could not live

without the strength of The Whole.

They had to die, to fade away,

as The Whole was thrown back and repelled.

We're Safe...

But He's waiting on The Other Side —

She Died for Us.”

This is Not A Dream.

This is Not A Dream.

We are using Your Brain's electrical system as a receiver.

We are unable to transmit through conscious neuro-interference.

You are receiving this broadcast AS A Dream.

We are transmitting from the year 1-9-9-9.

You are receiving this broadcast in

order to alter the events you are seeing.

Our Technology has not developed

transmitters strong enough to reach your Conscious State of Awareness.

But This is Not A Dream.

You are seeing what is actually occurring for The Purpose of Causality Violation.

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"we dared not venture closer-- you can be."

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I count 7 and I like the blue one with heavy shadow. This cost me a good 10 mins investigating and imagining. Please continue and hope you provide an overview of the process here. Thanks!

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“THERE are your lifeforms.

These were microbes

on the tube's surface.

We •shot• Them Here from Enterprise.

...They were fruitful, and multiplied.”

— Dr. “King” David Marcus.

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Let the strange journey begin

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