Hello, Grant and Kristan! We met perhaps around 20 years ago? I handed Grant an early copy of my comic after his Multiversity panel about 10 years back. The completed project had pieces by Brian Augustyn and Tom Peyer. (I've had amazing mentors for someone with a small industry footprint from those two to Steve Gerber and Marty Pasko to a whole thing with Loeb that's its own story. I may have precipitated a Crisis.)

As someone whose birth chart is entirely ruled by Mercury, I have a love of Thoth Trismegistus as my "patron saint". Who wouldn't? A Promethean figure of knowledge and word! I've long had an interest in hermeticism and I had to comment on how Mercury-based this Tarot is proving to be, with acknowledgment to the Trismegistus incarnation here.

My comic assigned a couple of forms to Thoth, one Kirbyesque and another inspired by David Lynch, whose gabbiness and intuitive grasp of the esoteric made him a fantastic avatar.

I've always felt a connection to your work and that's apparent here. It often feels like we're tugging at (or being tugged by) the same threads across the fifth dimension. I'm a bit behind on comics so I'm just now getting acquainted with the Superwatch from Green Lantern. I was solicited by Eddie Berganza to pitch for many years and I had a team pitch for an Infinity Incorporated revival linked to Superman analogs across the cosmos like Mars Boy and so on.

Ironically, my pitch from around 2015 had the Hyperboy from Trombus dealing with the fallout of his parents being exposed as criminals and embracing a nonbinary glam rock identity. It's so bizarre how you actually ended up teeing up my rejected pitch! Like you wrote the prequel! By the time I realized your Hyperboy was enby, I felt like my (again, rejected) pitch must have had truth in it! Or maybe we both riff on the same hermetic vibes!

It's been a bittersweet joy to follow you since I was 12 because I feel like sometimes you're the only one who sees these characters and worlds the way I do. I know every time I see your work on a franchise that it will feel like coming home to me. Thanks!

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Rian Hughes absolutely rules!

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