Will we be getting annotations on the guidebook as well?

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We need a "The Filth" annotations, fuckface.

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I'm a bit confused, Ultra Comics was infected by The Gentry and The Empty Hand is who The Gentry work for, if The Empty Hand is the reader after being corrupted by Ultra Comics wouldn't that mean the Gentry created their own master?

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I'll take a crack at this!

Maybe if The Gentry are toxic viral memes propagated by The Oblivion Machine, once they infect Ultra Comics / The Empty Hand that becomes their host body, and the infected host can then spread and deploy their payload of corrupt memes (The Gentry) as they wish.

Perhaps similarly to how Prometheus gives man knowledge of fire, and man can then use that knowledge to create and wield fire. Knowledge of fire creates masters of fire. Or fire creates its own master.

It's a similar kind of circular logic as the McLuhanism: "We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us."

Only maybe! :)))

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Interesting take but I'd like to hear Morrison's answer if possible

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